5 Weird Ways to Find Kik Girls Usernames

If you’re on Kik, chances are you’re always on the hunt for new people to message with, but Kik itself doesn’t make it very simple to connect with other people, as you need to know someone’s username in order to chat. Rather than just randomly typing in usernames into Kik’s search, there are other solutions to this problem, and they’re all very easy to go through.

Guides and instruction booklets can be hard to decipher at times, but this is a guide that simplifies a time-consuming process, and you should have some new people to message in no time at all (well, not technically, but you get the point). Here are 5 super simple ways to find Kik usernames.

1. Internet

The Internet is boundless and you’d be hard-pressed to not find the answer to a (reasonable) question or query, and searching online for Kik usernames in no different; there are more than enough websites and forums to find people to talk to. kikfriends.com and kikfinder.com are currently the top-ranked sites when you Google “kik usernames to message” and most of the other listed sites are based on Kik usernames for sexting, if messaging random people who aren’t who they say they are is your thing.

A website called kkusernames.com is another option, and it lists users with their age, profile pic and if they are interested in dirty chat. Again, when searching for Kik usernames on the internet you’re going to come across a lot of sites listing usernames that you can sext with, but it’s never a guarantee that whoever you’re talking to is telling the truth.

2. Instagram

If you’re on the ‘gram, you’ve got fewer options, but it’s for a good reason: most of the pics associated with #kikme on Instagram are sexual in nature or have to do with drugs, and when you search this hashtag, and Instagram blocks essentially all of the 15 million posts from view. If you change the hashtag to #kikmeh, that opens up a window of opportunity, as you can see all of the 100,000-plus pics.

#Kikmessenger is another option to go with, as that hashtag has almost 700,00 posts associated with it, and Instagram hasn’t gotten around to blocking that tag yet. The Facebook-owned app has really cracked down on it’s Kik-related content, but there are still some holes in the system that you can take advantage of; you have to go through a few extra steps when searching for Kik usernames on Instagram, but it’s definitely doable.

3. Twitter

If Instagram isn’t your thing or the restrictive hashtags have made it hard to find new usernames, you can take your talents to Twitter; chances are you’ll find what you’re looking for on this app.

When you search the hashtag #kikme on Twitter, you instantly see tweets from people using the hashtag, and basically all of them want someone to send them a message on Kik. If you tweet it, they will come.

For those of you who want to sext with strangers, you can search the tag #kikmessenger and you’ll instantly see tweets from accounts that are totally down to do just that. Honestly, if you messaged them like you’re just trying to have a chat, I’m sure their heads would explode.

If social media is really your jam, try searching for usernames on Twitter; you’ll find more than you asked for.

4. Kik

You don’t even have to leave Kik in order to find people you can talk to; Kik has these things called public groups where people who have the same interests can talk to each other. If no one already has a public group based on your interests (which isn’t likely), you can make one of your own.

Kik has it’s own browser, and you can find new people through that option as well. Simply type in a search term like ‘chat’ and you’ll be given a list of sites where you can find other people to chat with.

Being that you can stay in the app to find new usernames, this may be your favorite new tool, as you can find all you need directly in Kik, no need to do any extra tapping or scrolling. With public groups, you’re bound to find at least a handful of groups that are all about things you love, and this super simple option is too easy not to try at least once.

If no one is as into Eastern Europe during the 1500’s as you and there are no groups, then you may need to generalize your interests just a bit.

5. Google+

Yeah, Google+ is still a thing. It shouldn’t be, but it is.

And yes, of course you can find Kik usernames on Google+. Now, most of the people posting their Kik usernames on Google+ are doing it for sexting purposes, and if that’s what you’re in to, then this may be the source you’re looking for.

There is a public community on Google+ called “Kik usernames :)”, and even as I type this a brand new user has posted their username, so you know it’s active. It’s just the whole is-this-person-gonna-murder-me-or-are-they-just-really-into-sexting-random-people thing that’s tricky.

That being said, if you’re looking for Kik sluts usernames, you’re likely just as into sexting strangers as they are.

Finding Kik usernames can be difficult at times, but after viewing this super simple guide, you’ll have plenty of new people with whom you can chat.

Just, you know, be careful.

Kylie is online and wants to sext.